Lesson 3: Anatomy of a Buyer

Knowing your audience is a key aspect of sales. This will help you are selling to and tailor your approach accordingly.

Transforming Sales Through the Art of Listening

Master the Art of Selling with Listening Sells

Our unique approach redefines sales, encouraging a service-first mindset that fosters trust, builds long-lasting relationships, and improves overall sales performance.

Leave Behind Transactional Sales and Order Taking

Say Hello to Establishing Trust

Our course equips you with strategies to overcome common challenges like a transactional approach to sales, lack of customer connection, and short-lived customer relationships.

Your Path to Sales Success

Our course offers an all-inclusive guide to increasing opportunity when becoming a trusted advisor. Key course material includes:

Mindset Mastery

Learn to adopt a service-oriented mindset, enhancing customer interactions.

Transformative Approach

Build long-term customer relationships, foster trust, & generate sustainable business growth.

Buyer Insight

Gain a deep understanding of your customers for a tailored sales approach.

Value Proposition

Articulate your unique value, enhancing your sales process.

Intentional Dialogue

Master the art of connecting to express your proposition effectively.

Emotional Intelligence

Learn the strategies to win and engage on a deeper level.

Your Path to Sales Success

We provide a holistic, 12-module training program that guides you step by step on your transformative sales journey. Here’s a peek into the course guide:

Module 1: Mindset

This motivational module sets the tone for the entire course. Students will learn how to have a healthy mindset towards sales which empowers them and gives them the confidence to be successful in their roles.

Module 2: Selling with Emotional Intelligence

Once you have established the right mindset, it becomes essential to consider the emotional aspect of sales. This module provides you with the groundwork for effective conversations.

Module 3: Anatomy of a Buyer

Knowing your audience is a crucial aspect of sales. This lesson will help students better understand the people they're selling to, tailor their approach accordingly, and improve the experience for all parties.

Module 4: Proposition Value

Your business is truly unique and deserves to shine. Let us help you develop a compelling value proposition and effectively convey those essential elements to all.

Module 5: Intentional Dialogue

Learn impactful communication strategies to achieve the desired personal and professional growth results: Strong sales and connection with your prospect!

Module 6: Questioning Techniques

Master powerful questioning techniques to unlock unprecedented growth: Drive robust sales and establish deep connections.

Module 7: Call Flow

Now that the fundamentals of conversation are covered focus on the structure of a call. Learn how to navigate sales interactions from start to finish smoothly.

Module 8: Tips and Tricks

When expanding on the foundation of our call flow module, this section provides actionable tips and tricks to enhance the effectiveness of every sales call you make.

Module 9: Objections

In this stage, students learn to tackle objections, possessing the knowledge, comprehension, and tools to address many potential prospect doubts or concerns.

Module 10: Trust-Based Selling

This module ties together all the previous skills and knowledge, focusing on establishing and maintaining trust, a vital aspect of any sales relationship.

Module 11: Anatomy of a Sales Call

Here, students can combine everything they've learned and see it in action when deconstructing the call.

Module 12: Suggestions/Examples

Finally, this last module provides the student with additional best practices, reinforcing and supplementing everything they've learned.

Embark on Your Sales Growth Journey Now!

Uncover the art of effective listening! Revamp your sales with our comprehensive, 24-module, 12-week program.

Transform your sales approach, build enduring customer relationships, and learn valuable life skills today.

Explore our levels of access below!

sales strategies with Listening Sells

Uncover the art of effective sales with our comprehensive method.

Start Course
Single User
Best in class features, including:
24 Self-Paced Training & Coaching Videos
Dedicated Facebook Group
One Year Access (1-User)
Digital Sales Workbook
Quizzes & Assessments
Single User License
Quarterly Refreshers (Live)
DISC Training for Customer Service
Market Research Pricing Workbook
Business Office Staffing Analysis
Operational Tech-Stack Consultation
Unlimited Users | Add'l. investment options available during checkout!
Best in class features, including:
24 Self-Paced Training & Coaching Videos
Private Facebook Group
Lifetime Access
Digital Sales Workbook
Certificate of Completion
Personal Sales Evaluation
Quarterly Refreshers (Live)
DISC Training for Customer Service
Market Research Pricing Workbook
Business Office Staffing Analysis
Operational Tech-Stack Consultation
The CRISPY Community
Price: $99/mo
Inclusive Access for All: Members and Community Enthusiasts Welcome | Join us in fostering a supportive and growth-oriented community.

Facebook engagement, including videos, discussions, and challenges.


LIVE Calls, Sales Role-Play, Call Reviews, Listening Lessons, Selling Success, and more.


Stepping back to evaluate progress, helping you identify strength & opportunities for growth.

Words of Trust, Moments of Joy: Testimonials that Define Our Success

“Ongoing Support”
I was telling my wife recently how fortunate I am to be able to work regularly with Liz since joining Strategic Success Circles due to her years of experience and knowledge. The mastermind group has helped me to get motivated to work on my business again, as well as the ongoing support that I need on a variety of topics. It is great to meet regularly with a group of cleaning business owners who are at a similar level as my business. And having direct access to Liz is a huge bonus!

Ben Ferris


When Maria told me about her new sales course, Listening Sells, I thought that was absolutely perfect for her. Of course, I have seen Maria working her magic when selling for Quality Driven Software. But how I really knew she could sell, was when she would have to respond to a complaint at her maid service. She could talk the angriest person down, help them see a new perspective, and bring them through to the other side of a bad situation, and still come out smelling like a rose. That’s listening and selling a solution when the stakes are high!

Martha Woodward

Web Designer

“Works FOR Me”
Liz works with me in a way that works FOR ME

Chris Willatt

Quality Driven Software

“Great Mentor”
Dan is a great mentor for my cleaning business and has taught us much over the past few years. He has also helped my office staff learn how to sell over the phone and with our quoting tool. In the past, we were strictly dealing with in-home estimates. Now we use all three methods combined with follow-up campaigns that Dan customized that help us stay in contact with prospective clients. Dan has transformed almost everything we do and is our go-to guy when we have questions or need additional help.

Rhonda Leon

Quality Driven Software

“Amazing Advisor”
Maria has been an amazing helpful advisor, sounding board, and confidant in my role as CEO at ZenMaid. She’s dependable, dedicated, and I can always count on her to be an advocate for the customer. She excels at all things customer service, sales, and conflict resolution. She has a way of connecting with customers and our team in a way that everyone feels heard.“I recommend Maria to anyone looking to level up their sales and customer service skills.

Amar Ghose

Quality Driven Software

“The System Works”
"The system works. The growth we have had since joining is the proof. I'm in such a better spot mentally, and financially since joining up with Liz."

Bryan Morton

Quality Driven Software

“Genuinely Rewarding”
Working with Dan to tailor our sales and marketing strategies within our CRM was genuinely rewarding. His grasp of our industry and overall sales insight gave our team a solid confidence boost and noticeably improved our closure rates. Moreover, Dan always seems to have that bit of extra time, going further to ensure things are right. So here's to Dan - a heartfelt thanks from us all. And sure, if someone's looking for a reference, feel free to pass on our details.

Rachel Duffie

Quality Driven Software

“Ongoing Support”
Dan has been commendable, always sharing his knowledge and enriching interactions. He has worked on numerous projects for my company, consistently delivering remarkable results and insights vital for project success. His ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality and his communication and efficiency have ensured smooth project execution. Dan's detail-oriented and innovative approach has surpassed my expectations, providing solutions whenever needed. I wholeheartedly recommend Dan as a reliable, insightful, and highly skilled professional whose contributions have significantly fueled my company's success. Dan is the ideal choice if you seek someone who consistently exceeds expectations.

Gosia Baran

Quality Driven Software

Gives 100%
Maria always gives 100% in everything she does. No, 150%. She’s an awesome person to have in your court!

JoAnn Herrera

Quality Driven Software

A world map with a bunch of people on it.

Additional Value for Your Sales Journey

Along with our course, enjoy bonus resources such as downloadable workbooks, monthly coaching calls, direct access to instructors, and a community of like-minded sales professionals.

Get Access

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions not answered here? Feel free to contact us!

What’s different about Listening Sells?

Listening Sells was thoughtfully crafted to teach the art of selling in a new, refreshing, and enlightening way. As opposed to leading the traditional common way of approaching sales through robotic scripts, high-pressure or aggressive tactics, and manipulation, Listening Sells focuses on teaching sales using relationships and connection over transactional-based methods.

The course, created by Liz Trotter, Dan Smith, and Maria Dorian, who each have experience owning and operating multiple businesses serving the B2C and B2B market, collaborated to develop Listening Sells. They have applied the Listening Sells method within their in-house teams and virtual assistants of varying initial sales skill levels to grow and scale their organizations.

Experience level: Will Listening Sells work for students with a wide range of sales experience?

Yes, this course accommodates both novices without formal sales training and equally as great for seasoned sales professionals across various industries.

This course offers a sustainable and comfortable approach to the process of "selling" for new students. Students can take the course at their own pace, repeat lessons, pause, take notes, reflect, and return to the course material as they see fit and when they are ready for a new module.

Does your team have an experienced salesperson? If so, this sales course could help them fine-tune and enhance their already exceptional sales skills. This course can reignite their passion and equip them with fresh skills, strategies, and techniques they may not have encountered before. It's crucial to stay updated with current market trends and mindsets to achieve the best and most efficient outcomes.

How long does it take to complete the entire course?

The Listening Sells course is a 12-module, 24-lesson program. Each program is self-paced.

Students must pass quizzes for mastery before moving on to the next module. Doing so ensures that students are not simply going through the motions to complete the program.

Each video lesson averages between 60 and 90 minutes long, making it easy for a busy business owner, sales personnel, office manager, or virtual assistant to complete the course in a start/stop self-guided pace.

It's recommended to complete one module per week, putting to use your newly developed skillset. Though ultimately, students can navigate through the course at the pace they determine.

What is the CRISPY Community?

Listening Sells students committed to continuously improving their sales skills make up the CRISPY Community. Participation in this members-only group is optional and provides additional content, live engagement, and learning opportunities that can accelerate your success with the Listening Sales program.

Membership includes additional content, contests, webinars, challenges, quizzes, call analysis, support, and more.

There is not a contract associated with the subscription; cancel anytime.

Who on my staff has access to the Facebook group?

Each student and course subscriber has access to our Open Facebook group.

This group supports course participants, purchasers, and students on their sales journey. Inclusive Access for All - Course Members and Community Enthusiasts are always welcome. Join us in fostering a supportive and growth-oriented community as we push forward relational selling, the winning approach in the Home Services arena.
Though the main focus is sales-oriented topics, you may also discover customer service discussions and additional relative material.

What happens if I enroll a student and they quit or are fired?

You can enroll a new student if a student leaves a course during the contracted course period. The only limitation is that your subscription level may not include an additional workbook. Available at a nominal rate.

The same holds true if the student is part of the CRISPY Community private group.

Will learners be able to apply the Listening Sells method across all industries?

Certainly! The Listening Sells method builds relationships with customers and teaches techniques that can be used in any industry.

Students can implement valuable insights gained in all types of customer interactions, whether face-to-face, over the phone, or via written communication.

Students will learn how to be better listeners, be helpful in the sales process, and best articulate the company’s propositional value, among other valuable skills.

Does Listening Sells provide supplemental support after the course completion?

Yes! After course completion, students remain in the Open Facebook Group for continual learning and discussion.

This group serves to support course purchasers and students on their sales journey. Through videos, discussions, and other interactive activities and posts, the group will offer continual learning and growth.

There exists the option to remain an active CRISPY Community member as priced separately. We invite you to join the CRISPY Community for supplemental learning.

If you desire individual assistance, you can contact Liz, Dan, or Maria at Listening Sells for personalized one-on-one support in the areas you define as needing further support in your business. Our coaching plan starts at $325 per hour and allows enrolling in extended commitments to receive ongoing coaching sessions.

What the heck does CRISPY stand for?!

Throughout the course, we encounter a recurring key concept that students can easily remember using the acronym CRISPY. Simply put, the acronym stands for: Consistency, Relationship, Integrity, Service, Price, and Yes.  This acronym can be used as a checklist during calls with potential clients. Rest assured, it all comes together when you know how to SOLVE CRISPY PAINS

How do I gain access to my course and course materials?

Listening Sells is delivered through a user-friendly internet-based platform. Students conveniently access the course through Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. In addition, students can access the course using a web browser on their mobile device. The course platform does require a strong Wi-Fi or data signal.

Listening Sells also includes a digital workbook that can be downloaded and printed along with other digital resources such as assessments and quizzes. You can find these resources in each module within the course.

Does Listening Sells have a Satisfaction Guarantee? Cancellation Policy?

YES! Listening Sells Satisfaction Guarantee and Cancellation Policy -

300% Satisfaction Guarantee

At Listening Sells, we are deeply committed to your success in sales. Our program, structured around online training videos and community engagement, is designed to ensure a comprehensive learning experience. We're confident that our program will meet and exceed your expectations in enhancing your sales skills.

Satisfaction Guarantee Terms

1. Active Participation and Completion: We require your active participation to qualify for our guarantee. Doing so includes completing all video content, associated quizzes, assessments, and the entirety of the student workbook for modules one through three.

2. Positive Return on Investment (ROI): If, after diligently completing the first three modules, you feel that you will not achieve a positive ROI from the Listening Sells Sales Training program, we will refund your entire course fee. We believe in our methodology — when you apply the principles taught, significant improvements in your sales endeavors are not just possible but expected.

Cancellation Policy

1. Standard Cancellation: Our standard cancellation policy applies if you have engaged with our program by logging into the members' area and interacting with any learning materials. This policy is designed for those who have given the program a fair chance and do not see the anticipated value after putting in the work noted above. In such cases, contact us to discuss potential refunds or other solutions.

2. Buyer's Remorse Clause: We understand that sometimes decisions are made in haste. If you experience buyer's remorse, indicated by never logging into the members' area and not engaging with any course materials, contact us within five days of your purchase. We will process a full refund, ensuring that you feel free and relaxed in your decision to join our program.

Our Threefold Guarantee

- 100% Satisfaction: We guarantee your satisfaction with the quality and content of our program.
- 100% ROI: We assure a return on investment that matches or exceeds the cost of the course, provided you actively engage and apply the learnings.
- 100% No Buyer's Remorse: We guarantee you won't regret your decision, with options for easy cancellation within the specified timeframe.

At Listening Sells, your success is our priority. We aim to provide a motivating, effective, and risk-free learning environment, helping you unlock your full sales potential.

Payment plan options?

Listening Sells offers diverse investment options to cater to individual needs, empowering you, your sales team, and your business to excel through our comprehensive sales training program. Understanding the varying financial situations and preferences, we provide convenient monthly payment plans at different intervals, allowing for flexibility in managing your financial commitments. For those who prefer a one-time investment, we offer advantageous pricing for upfront full payments, ensuring value for your commitment. All these payment options are clearly outlined on the checkout page for each program tier, allowing you to make an informed choice that best suits your needs and interests. To streamline the billing process, any multi-payment plans is automated, with charges automatically applied to the card on file, ensuring a hassle-free experience - while you focus on enhancing your sales skills or sales teams with Listening Sells.

Who do I contact for additional questions or support during the course?

Please reach out with additional questions by sending an email to: team@listeningsells.com. We’re happy to help!

Begin Your Transformation Today

Don't wait to revolutionize your sales approach. Click below to start your journey towards becoming a trusted advisor and transforming your customer relationships.